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€ 749,00 (Vat exc.)
€ 749,00 (Vat exc.)
€ 749,00 (Vat exc.)
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Three-sector electrosauna with control unit
Three sectors

The electrosauna consists of a blanket heated by electricity which is placed on the bed of the beautician during the treatment with the aim of slimming down, eliminating fat and strengthening the muscles.
The fields of use of the electrosauna blanket are constantly evolving, but in general we can state that the electric blanket is used for:

  • Anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage treatments: cellulite is fought by applying the electric blanket in combination with specific creams and cosmetics, which thanks to the heat are absorbed deeply, immediately reducing peeling skin from the first session of orange. Furthermore, circulation can be stimulated, promoting the elimination of excess fluids and improving blood circulation;
  • Anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage treatments: cellulite is fought by applying the electric blanket in combination with specific creams and cosmetics, which thanks to the heat they are absorbed deeply, immediately reducing orange peel skin from the first session. Furthermore, circulation can be stimulated, promoting the elimination of excess fluids and improving blood circulation;
  • Detox treatments: the sweating that is generated determines the expulsion of toxins, with immediate effects on an aesthetic level but also more generally on a psychophysical level.
  • Slimming and toning treatments: the electrosauna enhances the effects of slimming treatments, also in combination with the electrostimulators included in some specific models.
3-sector electrosauna with control unit to regulate the heating of each sector of the blanket and a timer to manage the treatment time.


Technical specifications
Power: 360W
Dimensions: 1800 x 1900 mm
Weight: 10kg< br />Supply voltage: 250 V - 50/60 Hz
Time: 1-60 minutes
Temperature : 35-65°C

250578 - Three-sector electrosauna with control unit


€ 620,00 (Vat exc.)
€ 620,00 (Vat exc.)
€ 749,00 (Vat exc.)
€ 749,00 (Vat exc.)
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